Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday, August 27th and I'm still pluggin' away on my thesis.  And while I do I'm listening to Kerri Miller on MPR who is talking to a paleontology professor who'd I'd guess is in her 30s, married with a daugher and whose husband is also a paleontologist or archeologist.


I'm struck again how my mind doesn't work in the same way as hers.  And I wonder again if I'm just too stubborn to learn that way of thinking or if I'm simply barking up the wrong tree.  I know that having a doctorate isn't the romance that I thought it was.  In fact, the kinds of work that they do is quite unappealing.  But to me the esteem of it is alluring and means to anyone, "Intelligent" or at the very least, "Well educated".

Maybe I should simply talk to a doctorate... in psychology :-(

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