Thursday, September 30, 2010

It had to be true

No, the "furnace man" doesn't know what he is doing.  He just graduated from school, he was hired by a heating company and he has so screwed up on the job of installing our furnace that only the vents and the pieces of metal that line those holes in the walls and floors are usable.  It will cost $3K to remove what he did and replace the furnace and building the main trunk line.  The cold air return will simply be from the air in the room down into the furnace and the heat coming from the furnace to the rest of the house will rely totally on thermodynamics from heating the crawl space and rising up through the floor vents.

I wasn't shocked when I got this news.  I wasn't the least little bit surprised.  More I was supremely disappointed and disgusted. 

Then the coup de gras was that the contractor who gave me the bid and explained what needed to happen didn't get that I was trying to hire him!!!!!  HEY BOZO, WHEN A PROSPECT SAYS HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT TO START YOU BETTER GO RUN FOR A PURCHASE AGREEMENT!

Now I have to call him back.

That's what comes from trying to tell me rather than listening. 

Men, you can't live with 'em and you can't shoot 'em.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Don't have to worry about any one reading this

Sometimes I just want to scream as if that would release the negative feelings and energy toward thinking those things that don't help me.  But it doesn't, I already know that.  And I don't really want to scream.  But I do cry.  I cry a lot.  I believe that its myself that is making me feel so bad.  The "stinking thinking" as they say.  But I don't know, I seem to really think the best of things most of the time but I do have an undercurrent of believing that no one really cares, they're all out for themselves.  With Gerald it isn't true, he tries but what can he do?!  My kids are out on their own as they should be.  And I am here alone and that 's not really so bad.  Sure I wish the house were done and no, the furnace still isn't hooked up nor is the stove top.  And subsequently neither is the laundry tub.  But I dunno that's just a pain its not my angst.

Right now, my back is killing me.  I know its because I don't have good posture or  the right table height to chair or something, but I'm working on it.  I would be using the office chair Gerald got for me but it was stored in the garage and is absolutely filthy.  I was going to clean it using the laundry tub, I mean I was going to use the tub as a way to convey soap and water or something toward that chair but... I dunno, do you really wash a chair?!