Sunday, December 13, 2009

Horses aren't music critics, thank goodness.  I like to sing and lately I've got a Cat Stevens song going on in my head.  And of course I don't know the words, but I know a bit of the tune.  All I really need really.  The chickens don't mind either.
Hey, speaking of chickens.  Wanna hear about how smart I am? :-)  We feed our chickie-chickies oyster shells, laying mash and cracked corn.  Give 'em fresh water three times a day.  All good.  But the shells are waaay too delicate.  And we're talking Road Island Reds, big brown eggs, this shouldn't be!
But it is and I think I know why!
Remember hearing about how doctors "discovered" rickets?  Children in England during the Industrial Revolution were living under pretty dark conditions, literally.  The coal smoke obliterated the sun and the kids were also inside working factory type jobs subsequently they weren't getting sufficient vitamin D.  And vitamin D is necessary for metabolizing calcium.  The symptom was children suffering bone loss in their legs, weakness and bowleggedness without the horse. 
I think the same thing is happening with our chicken eggs.  We have them inside a shelter with one little window to keep them warm and toasty, which it does fairly well but there isn't enough light, not enough vitamin D and therefore, insufficient shell density.  I can't say as they're bowlegged, but mineral and vitamin deficiencies can make their toes bend oddly.  But then these are full grown hens (and one rooster).
We'll look for a way to build an igloo like foyer for them to protect the warmth of their coop and then put up the dog kennel.  Don't want to make it too easy for the hawks and eagles to swoop in. Couple years ago a hawk was dive bombing my banties and nearly took the top of my head off!  Kinda got me excited.

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